
AMP membership comprises Department Managers/Chief Administrative Officers, Directors of Finance, and Ex Officio members who hold voting privileges within our organization. Ex Officio members include senior staff administrative officers from Continuing Education, Graduate Division, Library, Office of Information Technology, Office of Research, and the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning, whose primary responsibilities are administrative, supervisory, and managerial. 

Additionally, recent amendments to our bylaws have extended membership to senior staff administrative officers involved in various departments such as Alumni/Corporate Relations, Contracts & Grants, Development, Facilities, Marketing, Communications, Outreach, Personnel or Academic Personnel, Research, and Student Affairs. These members, classified as AMP 2, do not have voting privileges.

AMP Board Members

  • Melissa Valdez - Chair
  • Mariko Walton - Vice Chair
  • Katherine Diaz - Secretary/Historian
  • Amy Ruth - UC Systemwide AMP Past-Chair
  • Amy Ricks - UCI Systemwide Representative
  • Bessy Varela - UCI Systemwide Representative
  • Laura Swendson - Board Member

Membership List

Download a list of current members.